OPEN  CHALLENGE for the sake of the                GREAT  SANATAN  DHARMA                               


Reject what I’m going to say here if anyone can.                                                                        First of all , let’s keep it firmly in the deep core of the heart and mind that Dharma is not religion . To prove it true , it is essential to know the differences between the Dharma and Religion  . Before that, we should know about some prominent Religions of the world .                                          The oldest religion of the world is the INDIAN / THE VEDIC . The contemporaries to Indian Religion are  THE  MAZADEAN & THE EGYPTIAN .                                                       Then comes THE CHALDEAN ,THE JEWISH, THE  KABALA ,THE  BABYLONIAN ,THE ZOHAR & THE  MAGIAN . Long after that The Christian & The Islam . The Jain and the Buddha religions are also the incarnations of the Indian Vedic Religion .     All the religions are good and have made their full efforts to understand the UNIVERSAL SYSTEMS & COSMIC ORDERS .They have tried to unveil the secrets of the evolution or creation of the Universe ,Creatures and the creaters .            The Universal systems , The universal natures , the process of creation and evolution are the DHARMA and the knowing and the knowing processes and the  knowledge about them is the Religion . Because of different languages and geographical conditions ,religions are many  but Dharma is one and it can not be more than one because total universality is one and only one .So, Dharma is but one and religions are many .                                                                 In this way , all the religions are the followers of the SANATAN   DHARMA .                 It means all the people of all the countries are SANATANIS.                                                       Doubts come when casts ,creeds , cultures and traditions are taken into religions . Mythological tales , Historical events , Anthropological incidents and Archeological evidences should not be mistaken for religion. Let the religion be only the religion . It must not be mixed with the Politics. The one and only mission / aim Purpose of the religion is  to know , understand ,teach and preach the Dharma which is , was and always will be the best for human being and the whole humanity .

Published by Amar Bahadur Singh

I am a professional speaker . I deliver lectures on spiritualism . I hold workshops on Meditation ,Yoga and Dhyana . I conduct programmes on ASTRAVAKRA GITA , BHAGVAD GITA ,UPANISHAD and many other spiritual topics which become very useful corporate and spiritual domain . I conduct counselling programmes on STRESS ,DEPRESSION ,NEGATIVITIES and many other psychological problems .

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